Selasa, 20 November 2007

place of pieces ( puisi lama yang gwe bikin beberapa waktu lalu)

did you ever tought
that a life is something real?

did you ever know
that life is a gift?

and did you understand
that you just life once?

have you remember the first time you see the rainbow?
or did you remember when the first time of your life you feel the warm of the sun

step by step of human being is a tastefull life that you never understand
just when you`re alone you feel it

stop being pathetic my friend just like you will life forever
but stop being arrogant like you never die

remember the time you feel happy,sad,angry
did you miss it?

every pieces of life continuing to be once as a life feeling
as an emotion,as a memory,that you wouldn`t forget

life is a place of pieces

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